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Custom fields

How to set up custom fields in inFlow

Custom fields are a flexible way to record information that inFlow doesn’t track.

These fields can hold any information that you want to analyze or reference later. They are searchable and can be displayed as columns in your reports.


Setting up custom fields

  1. Go to Go to Main Menu > Options > Global.
  2. Click Custom fields.
  3. Select the section you want to create a custom field within (e.g., Sales order, Purchase order, Product, Customer, Vendor).
  1. Enter your field names. If you would like to add multiple custom fields, click on Add custom field, and another line will appear.
  2. Check the Print option if you’d like the custom field to show up on printed/exported documents. If it’s an internal field only, uncheck it so that it only shows on the order screen but not on any printed documents. Please note not every custom field can be printed at this time.

To remove or deactivate custom fields

  1. Click on the X icon next to the custom field that you would like to deactivate.
  2. Once you’re done, click Save.

To reactivate a previously removed custom field

  1. Toggle the Show inactive button to view all deactivated custom fields.
  2. Click the + icon next to the custom field to reactivate it.
  3. Once you’re done, click Save.

If a custom field gets deactivated and then later reactivated, the old data will reappear in the field.

Custom fields can also be set up on the Product, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Customer, and Vendor details page.

Linking custom fields

In inFlow, you can create custom fields that can connect to one another. Sales order custom fields can link with customer custom fields. Purchase order custom fields can link with vendor custom fields.

To do this, title the custom field on the customer or vendor record the same as the sales order or purchase order custom fields. This allows the information in the custom fields to be shared. See the below images for an example.

inFlow customer record, highlighting a custom field
inFlow Sales order, highlighting a custom field

Filtering by custom fields

On any listing view, once you’ve created the custom fields, they will become an available filter you can use to narrow down your search. For the example below, the product custom field named “Style” is in the product list view.


Setting up custom fields

  1. Go to Main Menu > Options > Settings.
  2. Choose the Custom Fields icon on the left.
  3. Select the correct tab (e.g., Sales = Customers, Sales Orders) according to where your custom fields should be.
  4. Enter your field names.
  5. Check the Print option if you’d like the custom field to show up on printed/exported records. If it’s an internal field only, uncheck it so that it only shows on the order screen but not on any printed documents
  6. Click Save & Close.

Linking custom fields

In inFlow, you can create custom fields that can connect to one another. Sales order custom fields can link with customer custom fields. Purchase order custom fields can link with vendor custom fields.

To do this, title the custom field on the customer or vendor record the same as the sales order or purchase order custom fields. This allows the information in the custom fields to be shared.

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  1. Nathan Sternhill



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In this tab
  • Setting up custom fields
  • Linking custom fields
  • Filtering by custom fields
  • Setting up custom fields
  • Linking custom fields
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