Here’s the inFlow experience from trial to purchase

14-day trial

Before or during your trial, we make it easy to find out inFlow is the right fit for you.

  1. Chat with our sales team
    15 mins
    • We'll learn about the issues you're trying to solve
    • If you want to learn more, we'll book your personalized demo
  2. Book your custom demo
    45 mins
  3. Purchase a plan
    • Choose from monthly or annual plans
    • Assign you a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM)

After your purchase you’ll get one-on-one training to help you confidently use inFlow.

  1. Meet your CSM
    30 mins
    • Learn about what you'd like to get done in inFlow
    • General setup, including costing methods
    • Help customize inFlow to fit you
  2. Book training sessions
    30-60 mins each
    • Each inFlow plan comes with at least two hours of training (you can purchase more as needed)
    • Great for training team members or setting up integrations
  3. Finish your training
    • A double-check that you're set up properly
    • Introduce you to inFlow technical support and the Learning Center

inFlow customers have three great ways to get help:

Support and Services
  • Technical support
  • Professional Services
  • Account changes
Included with every plan

Technical support

  • Use our Learning Center to find answers at any time
  • Contact our support team via email, chat, or callback request
Visit Learning Center Contact support
Extra purchase

Professional Services

Hire our in-house team at an hourly rate for:

  • inFlow API guidance
  • Data migration
  • Clean up or optimize your inFlow database
Learn more

Account changes

You can book a call with your CSM from your inFlow Account page for help with things like:

  • Upgrading your inFlow plan
  • Managing team members or add-ons
  • Changing your billing cycle
Contact CSM