We believe in businesses like yours

We’re rated 4.6/5 on Capterra.com with over 500 reviews.

Join 40,000+ businesses who trust inFlow for their orders and inventory.

One of Canada’s Fastest Growing Businesses (Globe and Mail, 2022 and 2023).

We’ve been helping small businesses around the world for over 17 years.

We believe there’s more than just one way to work
We offer software with a clear focus on inventory tracking, but with options to accommodate your unique workflow. Whether you dropship herbal teas, manufacture hi-tech counting machines, or make your own jewelry, we’ve got options to accommodate the way you work.

We believe simple and
powerful are not opposites
Software designed to handle thousands of products and transactions doesn’t have to look like a spreadsheet.
We’ve broken away from the status quo by designing software that’s easy for anyone to pick up, and with features that scale to your company size (whether that’s two people or two hundred).
We’re fully stocked with great talent
We’re proud to introduce you to our team! Each one of us is committed to helping you and your business succeed.