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Non-profit inFlow pricing

Do you have special prices for non-profits or schools?

The Archon Systems team volunteered with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to help with conservation clean-up.

Non-profit organization/educational pricing

If you’re a non-profit organization or educational institute that has a goal to improve the world, we’d love to help!

We want to give you the tools to make a bigger impact in your own community. Whether you’re giving aid to those in need or shaping the future problem solvers of the world. We want to help you help others.

Budgets can be a major concern for non-profit organizations. With that in mind, we offer special pricing for non-profits and educational institutes. If this applies to you, please reach out to us so we can chat about pricing options!

From the image above, you can see the Archon Systems team (developers of inFlow) also believes in giving back to the community.

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  • Non-profit organization/educational pricing
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