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Missed inFlow payments

What happens if I miss a payment for inFlow?

If a payment is missed, don’t worry your team won’t be locked out of inFlow right away. Take a look below for more details.

inFlow billing

inFlow works on monthly or annual subscriptions, which means we’ll charge your credit card on file based on your chosen billing period.

If the payment fails to go through, don’t worry — you’ll still have access to your inventory for 14 days.

14-day grace period

During this grace period, you’ll see an in-app notification about the failure to charge the card, and an email to inFlow administrators will be sent, too. Be sure to correct that problem as soon as you can! Otherwise, after 14 days, you will be locked out of your account.

Should you have any questions about your account, contact the inFlow Community and Support team.

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  • inFlow billing
  • 14-day grace period
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