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  • Purchase orders
Purchase quote

How do I create a purchase quote?

Purchase quotes can be used to track quotes that you’ve sent out or received from potential vendors when bidding for your purchase orders. You can create a purchase quote directly, or you can convert an existing purchase order into a quote!


Creating a purchase quote

  1. Go to Main Menu > Purchasing > New purchase quote. Or from the Homepage, click New purchase quote under Purchase Orders.
  2. Fill in the Vendor info and any appropriate details.
  3. Select/scan the items that you want a quote for.
  4. Click the Save button when you are done.

Once you’re ready to create a purchase order from this quote, click the Convert to Order button at the top of the screen.

Creating a purchase order without converting the quote

Converting a quote to an order will remove the original quote entirely. If you want to keep a copy of the quote see below.

  1. Click the Copy quote button at the top of the screen.
  2. Save the copied quote.
  3. Select Convert to order to convert the copied quote into an order.

To send your vendor a Request for quote

  1. Click the Print or Email button at the top of the purchase order.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click on Request for Quote.
  3. Click the Print or Email button, then close the tab when done.

How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote

Need to convert it back to a purchase quote? No problem! Just click the More button at the top of the order, then click the Convert to Quote button.

Converting an order to a quote will remove the original order entirely. If you want to keep a copy of the order, click the Copy button at the top, then click Copy Purchase Order. Convert the copied order into a quote, and your original purchase order will remain.


Creating a purchase quote

  1. Go to Main Menu > Purchasing > Purchase Quote.
  2. Fill in the vendor info and any appropriate details.
  3. Select/scan the items that you want a quote on.
  4. Click the Save button when you are done.

Once you’re ready to purchase from this vendor, simply click the Convert to Order button at the bottom of the screen.

Creating a purchase order without converting the quote

Converting a quote to an order will remove the original quote entirely. If you want to keep a copy of the quote see below.

  1. Click the Copy button at the top of the screen.
  2. Select Copy Purchase Quote.
  3. Convert the copied quote into an order, and your original quote will remain.

To send your vendor a Request for Quote

  1. Click the Print or Email button at the top of the purchase order.
  2. On the left, you’ll have the option to print the Purchase Quote or the Request for Quote.
  3. Click on Request for Quote, then click the Print or Email button.

How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote 

If you’d like to convert a purchase order to a quote, click Copy at the top of the purchase order and select Convert Order to Quote.

Converting an order to a quote will remove the original order entirely. If you want to keep a copy of the order, click the Copy button at the top, then click Copy Purchase Order. Convert the copied order into a quote, and your original purchase order will remain.


Creating a purchase quote

  1. From the homepage, tap the + button beside Purchasing and select New purchase quote. You can also create a quote from the purchase order list view. Tap the Main menu > Purchase orders and tap the ellipsis button at the top to create a purchase quote. 
  2. Select/scan the items that you are quoting this customer.
  3. Tap on Add product or Scan product to add products you want a quote for to the order.

Once you’re ready to create a purchase from this quote, simply click the Convert to Order button at the bottom right, and you’re done!

Converting a quote to an order will remove the original quote entirely. 

How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote 

Need to convert it back to a purchase quote? No problem! Just tap the Actions button at the bottom left of the order, then tap the Convert to Quote button.

Converting an order to a quote will remove the original order entirely. 

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In this tab
  • Creating a purchase quote
  • Creating a purchase order without converting the quote
  • To send your vendor a Request for quote
  • How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote
  • Creating a purchase quote
  • Creating a purchase order without converting the quote
  • To send your vendor a Request for Quote
  • How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote
  • Creating a purchase quote
  • How to convert an existing purchase order into a purchase quote
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