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  • Manufacturing
Manufacture order error

Manufacture order negative inventory error despite having enough stock

In inFlow, you can’t complete a Manufacture order (MO) if components are not in stock. If you encounter an error while trying to complete a MO despite having components in stock, take a look at the solutions below to resolve this issue.

Please note: Manufacture orders are only available on inFlow plans with the BOM + Manufacturing add-on.

Check your quantity on hand

  1. Go to the component’s product record
  2. Check the Quantity on Hand. If you don’t have enough to create your item as specified on the manufacture order (formally called the work order), you’ll need to add or order more.

Check location quantity

Check that there is enough stock of your components in the same location as those used on the manufacture order.

Check the purchase order and manufacture order dates

As inFlow pays very close attention to the quantities on the dates you’ve set, you’ll need to be careful — if you’ve set it so that your components were received on September 10th, for example, but the manufacture order has a “Finished Date” of September 9th, this would be a problem because the quantity on hand for September 9th would not have been enough to finish the manufacture order.

To fix this, simply change the Finished Date on the manufacture order (top right) to today or a future date.

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In this tab
  • Check your quantity on hand
  • Check location quantity
  • Check the purchase order and manufacture order dates
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