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Emailing documents

How to email invoices and other documents

You can send emails from inFlow without any additional setup. However, if you’d like to customize your email settings, follow the steps in this article. Otherwise, see below for how you can send emails from inFlow orders.


The Action bar at the top of sales orders and any other printable record contains an Email button. Clicking this will load a drop-down menu where you can select which document to email.

Available email fields

  • Reply-To: The email address that replies to emails you send through inFlow will be sent to (not shown when using legacy email settings).
  • Cc: Click this to add a field where you can add other email addresses that will also receive the email by carbon copy.
  • Bcc: Click this to add a field where you can add other email addresses that will also receive the email by blind carbon copy.
  • To: The email address of your intended recipient. You may add multiple emails here by separating them with a comma.
  • Subject: The subject line of the email to be sent.
  • Message: The body of the email to be sent.
  • Attachment: The document will automatically be attached in PDF format that is linked in the email (custom documents can only be emailed from inFlow Cloud for Windows).

Additional information

Customer information

The customer’s email address (from the Customer record) will automatically be filled out for Customer Statements and Sales documents or a vendor’s email address for Vendor Statements or Purchase documents. If you change the “To” address, a save icon will appear next to the “To” field, allowing you to save the email address back to the Customer or Vendor record.

For other documents (associated with a Work Order, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment, or Count Sheet), clicking the save icon will remember this email address as the default recipient for the current inFlow user and that type of document.

Automatic Cc and Bcc

Cc and Bcc will be automatically filled out if you’ve saved emails into the Default Cc and Default Bcc fields.

Legacy email settings

Emails in inFlow Cloud for Web cannot be sent if your profile is using legacy email settings. For more information about our current and legacy email settings, please see this article.


If there’s an error sending an email, an error dialog window will be shown shortly afterward. If you’re having trouble getting emails to send, please take a look at our email troubleshooting guide.


inFlow Cloud for Windows

The Action bar at the top of sales orders and any other printable record contains an Email button. Clicking this will bring up a preview window where you can select which document to email.

Available email fields

  • Reply-To: The email address that replies to emails you send through inFlow will be sent to (not shown when using legacy email settings).
  • Cc: Click this to add a field where you can add other email addresses that will also receive the email by carbon copy.
  • Bcc: Click this to add a field where you can add other email addresses that will also receive the email by blind carbon copy.
  • To: The email address of your intended recipient. You may add multiple emails here by separating them with a comma.
  • Subject: The subject line of the email to be sent.
  • Message: The body of the email to be sent.
  • Attachment: The document will automatically be attached in PDF format (custom documents will be attached in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format).

Additional information

Customer information

The customer’s email address (from the Customer record) will automatically be filled out for Customer Statements and Sales documents or a vendor’s email address for Vendor Statements or Purchase documents. If you change the “To” address, a save icon will appear next to the “To” field, allowing you to save the email address back to the Customer or Vendor record.

For other documents (associated with a Work Order, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment, or Count Sheet), clicking the save icon will remember this email address as the default recipient for the current inFlow user and that type of document.

Automatic Cc and Bcc

Cc and Bcc will be automatically filled out if you’ve saved emails into the Default Cc and Default Bcc fields.


If there’s an error sending an email, an error dialog window will be shown shortly afterward. If you’re having trouble getting emails to send, please take a look at our email troubleshooting guide.


inFlow Cloud for Mobile

Emailing from the inFlow Cloud mobile app helps you get more done when on the go. For full steps on how to email from the mobile app, see below.

  1. Open or create a new sales order. 
  2. Once the order is ready to send to your customer or vendor, tap the Actions button at the bottom of the screen. 
  3. Tap Email order.
  4. Tap Document type if you’d like to change which document you’d like to send. If you change the document type, the subject line will also change too. 
  5. You also have the option of adding a Cc & Bcc to the email.
  6. In the To field, is where you can add the email address of your customer or vendor. You also have the option of adding more than one email address here too. 
  7. At the bottom, you can type in a personalized message. 
  8. When done, click Send at the top right-hand corner. 

And now your email has been sent! 

Just like sending an email from inFlow Cloud for Web, the recipient will be sent a link to the document that they can print or save as a .pdf file.

Available email fields

  • Reply-To: The email address that replies to emails you send through inFlow will be sent to (not shown when using legacy email settings).
  • Cc & Bcc: Toggle on the Cc & Bcc, then add other email addresses that will also receive the email by carbon copy.
  • To: The email address of your intended recipient. You may add multiple emails here by separating them with a comma.
  • Subject: The subject line of the email to be sent.
  • Message: The body of the email to be sent.
  • Attachment: The document will automatically be attached in PDF format that is linked in the email (custom documents can only be emailed from inFlow Cloud for Windows).

Sharing your sales order

Along with emailing your order, you can also share the order from the inFlow Cloud mobile app with any of the contacts on your phone. See below for details.

  1. First, tap on the Actions button.
  2. Click on Share order.
  3. Next, tap on which document you’d like to send from the options listed.
  4. A list of contacts and apps will be listed for you to share your order with. Select one. Then your document will be shared with that contact!

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In this tab
  • Available email fields
  • Additional information
  • inFlow Cloud for Windows
  • Available email fields
  • Additional information
  • inFlow Cloud for Mobile
  • Available email fields
  • Sharing your sales order
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