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Are You Ready for a Startup? 4 Tips to Get There

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated April 26th, 2024
— 3 minutes reading

You’re in a room with your peers and there’s a speaker at the front asking, “How many of you would like to be your own boss?” Instantly you’re imagining yourself at home with a cold drink, watching some TV and taking the occasional phone call.  Can you be blamed? 

While surfing the internet we’re bombarded with adverts proclaiming things like “Earn $300 a day working at home!” and “I never have to fight traffic to get to the office!”  But is this more than just a pipe dream?  Are people actually making a living by working at home?

The short answer is yes.

What’s becoming apparent (and a part of our global consciousness) is that the multi-billion dollar companies started somewhere, and while yours may not become Apple Inc. overnight we can certainly each carve out our own little slice of paradise.  This is being made easier everyday through the development of programs and strategies for small business which help to streamline not only your larger, more complicated actions, but the everyday things that we may take for granted.  Of course if you are running a start-up, TV may have to wait and you might need to finish that cold drink in transit…

Unglamorous as it is, you need to have a plan that will include your idea, implementation and financials.  Then, be prepared to throw it out the window as it’s good to have a plan but what you plan for, and what actually happens are never the same.  So think of your plan as a set of guidelines…essentially all you’re trying to do is make sure you feel like you’re in control (even if you aren’t).

The next thing, once you’ve determined what you’re doing, is to figure out how you’re going to do it.  Emerging business support services can help you organize the day to day so that the resources you have (yourself, the time your family’s volunteering etc.) can be used to the fullest advantage.


If you’re not already in love with what you’re doing it’s important to find something about your endeavour that will keep you motivated to work hard and keep your standards high.  If you’re already obsessed then embrace it!  If not, what is the best part of your job?  Even if it’s just that you’re self employed keeping your focus on the good stuff can help negate the things you’re not a fan of.

It’s important to keep things in perspective and not get too bogged down by the details.  Have fun and keep the atmosphere light as much as possible.  As long as everyone is committed to the journey you can make a lot of good memories along the way!

Now that you have a few tips on how to get started with your business how about you  share with us?  Leave us a comment and tell us about the one thing you wished you’d known before you started a business…